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Electronic Universal Testing Machine For Sale

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Electronic Universal Testing Machine For Sale

Electronic Universal Testing Machine: Versatile Force for Materials Testing Electronic Universal Testing Machine is a powerful and versatile instrument used in the field of materials testing and quality control. This advanced equipment is designed to evaluate the mechanical properties of materials, including strength, elasticity and deformation behavior.

Electronic universal testing machines are equipped with a range of functions crucial for materials testing:

1. Precise load control: These machines can accurately apply a variety of loads, from very small forces to high loads, ensuring precise testing.

2. Variable Speed: They provide adjustable test speeds, which is critical for evaluating material performance under various conditions such as tension, compression, or bending.

3. Wide range of load cells: The electronic universal testing machine is equipped with a variety of load cells that can test materials of different strength levels.

4. Data collection: They use advanced data collection systems to record and analyze test data to ensure accurate and reliable results are collected.

   Phone / Mobile
Miyako Qiao (Ms.)
368 Xinshi North Road, Shijiazhuang 050091, China


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