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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine for PVC Pipe

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Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine for PVC Pipe

Hot Tag: Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine for PE pipe,Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine for PPR pipe.

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine is used to test the strength and integrity of pipes, including PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), PE (Polyethylene), and PPR (Polypropylene Random) pipes.

The Testing Process:

1. Preparation: The pipe to be tested is properly cleaned and inspected for any defects or damage that could affect the test results. It is then securely sealed within the test chamber.

2. Sealing: The ends of the pipe are sealed using specialized fixtures or plugs to ensure a complete and watertight seal.

3. Pressurization: The control system is used to gradually increase the internal pressure of the pipe using the pressure source. The pressure is raised to a level specified by industry standards, project specifications, or regulatory requirements. Common testing pressures for pipes can range from a few hundred PSI (pounds per square inch) to several thousand PSI.

4. Holding Pressure: Once the desired test pressure is reached, it is held constant for a specified duration. This allows operators to observe whether the pipe maintains its integrity without any visible signs of leakage or deformation.

5. Pressure Release: After the test duration is complete, the pressure is slowly released from the pipe.

6. Inspection: The pipe is carefully inspected for any signs of failure, such as leaks, bulges, or ruptures.

7. Reporting: The results of the hydrostatic test are recorded and documented. If the pipe passes the test, it is deemed suitable for its intended application.

Hydrostatic pressure testing machines can withstand the pressure they will encounter in real-world applications without leaking or bursting.  They help identify weak points in pipes and prevent potential failures that could lead to costly repairs or dangerous situations.

   Phone / Mobile
Miyako Qiao (Ms.)
368 Xinshi North Road, Shijiazhuang 050091, China


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